Tag Archives: mantis shrimp

So Much Good Stuff!

It has been a good week. My migraine finally went away, I have brought in some editing and writing work, and I had a great meeting with my Freelancer’s group. It feels so nice to be validated. No job is too small. Keep that in mind. I would be happy to write blog posts for your business, or take on quick editing projects. A well written and edited piece can make your business shine.

Most of my news comes from Twitter. I like social networking, but Twitter has taken awhile to grow on me. One of the things I am using it for now, is to get the word out about my business, and connect with other writers. Thankfully, there are a dearth of writers on Twitter and a great number of rad scientists! Feel free to add me @dylanbenito. I think I am finally getting the swing of it, and I am enjoying it much more.

On to the links!

  • An NPR article about cities saving the Earth. The gist: If we all moved into cities, our wildlife would stand a much better chance, and we would use less resources. 
  • Our Hypothetical oldest ancestor, named Shrewdinger! By popular vote.
  • An amazing site, by the Kennis brothers. They are the guys behind the recent hominid reconstructions featured on NatGeo covers. The photos are amazing.
  • Juan Cole (great source for news on the Middle East, fantastic author), posts about Denmark’s  upcoming wind-power capacity. Fifty percent by 2020!
  • The Oatmeal posted about the Mantis Shrimp, and it is amazing. If you like science, or comics, or awesomeness, it is well worth the read.
  • Also awesome, this video about animal eating habits. You might pee.
  • The cutest thing EVAR! A new bat genus was discovered in South Sudan. PANDA BAT!


This is one of the cutest things I have seen in a long time. And, I’ll stop freaking out about the cute bat now.

And there are many other things out there. I have been writing my tail off, so I don’t have any great book recommendations for you all. At least not science type books. The book I’m reading right now is about a woman behind Pope Innocent X, Mistress of the VaticanSo far, it is a fun historical read. If you like that kind of thing, check it out.

Thanks for reading! Please share.