Tag Archives: megafauna

It’s the Weekend!

This will be a short post. My wrists are acting up and typing isn’t helping. I do have some good links to share, and I wouldn’t want to disappoint anyone by not posting. Science ahoy!

First up:

  • Valley Fever, something I had not heard of before, is on the rise, reports the Washington Post. An interesting article, especially if you live in an arid region. 
  • ScienceOnline talks about the male pill. I think birth control would benefit from having more choices.
  • If you are of European decent, you’re probably related to everyone else from Europe. My family is already big enough, so a few more members won’t phase me. Hi all!
  • Finally, a megafauna extinction humans didn’t cause. Check out this article by ScienceDaily about the Australian big game extinction.
  • As an author, and a nonconformist, this book cover, gender-flip article by the Huffington Post really resonates with me.
  • And your autism article for the week. How ‘balanced’ coverage harmed the diagnosis. This mainly relates to the idea that vaccines cause autism. An idea that has been disproven many, many times.

Your photo for the week:


Image credit Shane Gross, Shutterstock. Taken from a funny article about finding ambergris, otherwise known as whale vomit. It’s worth a read.

As always, thanks for reading, please share.