Category Archives: Science

Science News and Other Geeky Stuff

First off, Hello! I hope you all are having a great start to summer. Here, in Portland, we have been having beautiful weather, which is odd for this time of year. Normally we have what the hubs and I like to call June-uary, very cold and wet. Instead, there are people sporting sunburns! Unfortunately, it was the warmest year on record for May, and it looks like June will follow that trend. Look into solar! And recycling, and anything else we can so we don’t sink into the oceans ala Atlantis.

I found a few great science articles over the past few weeks. As usual, I kept myself a little too busy and didn’t have as much free time as I would like for blog perusal. So, I apologize for the slim pickings, I promise, they are all worth the read.  If you are interested, take a click below!

I have taken on a freelance project this summer with Opus Events Agency, and it has been really fun so far. Plus, it fits in with what I’m already doing work-wise. It feels like a win all around. With permission, I might post some of the projects I’m working on in my Project Gallery. I’m working on some fun stuff!

I’m in the process of cleaning up my social media and interwebs presence, this blog will stay, but I have some other old ones floating out there that I would like to consolidate. You should probably expect some older posts. It’s always fun to look back on things. And I have to update all my LinkedIn/twitter/etc… It’s a good time to clean up. I mean, it’s not like I have anything else going on.

As always, thanks for reading!

ScienceSeeker Editor

Hey all! I have some awesome, if a little old, news. I am one of the new editors for ScienceSeeker, which is a great site for finding all sorts of different science blogs. They list themselves as Science News from Science Newsmakers. Naturally, I was ecstatic to join the team. Each week I get to read awesome blogs, something I do anyway, and pick the ones that I find the most interesting. I thought you all might think it’s neat too.

My favorite picks of the week are listed below. You can also check out the Editor’s Picks page for our awesome team of editor’s picks of the week. Hopefully, working with ScienceSeeker will get me to start blogging more. I do love to share cool science. Have a lovely holiday weekend, and…

Happy Reading!

Mummified Fetus Found in Tiny Ancient Egyptian Sarcophagus (History):

The Inexorable Melt: new evidence that glaciers in West Antarctica are past the point of no return (Goodnight Earth): by jptrinastic

Two New Huge Dinosaurs Discovered (Dinosaurs):

Bones in Submerged Cave May Be Earliest Native American (History):

Marine Reptile’s Weird Body Armor a Sign of Life’s Great Recovery (Laelaps): by Brian Switek

New Thermoelectric Material May Boost Green Tech (The Daily Fusion): by The Daily Fusion

About Nanotyrannus (Paleopix): by Penny Higgins